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Webex 服務的網路需求

Webex 服務的網路需求

Document Revision History
This article is intended for network administrators, particularly firewall and proxy security administrators, who want to use the Webex Suite of cloud collaboration services within their organization. The primary focus of this document is on the network requirements of Webex Meetings and Webex Messaging, and the document also provides links to documents that describe the network requirements for Webex Calling.

This article will help you configure network access to the Webex suite of services used by:

Cloud registered Webex app clients for Meetings, Messaging, and Calling
Cloud registered Webex Meetings Centre app clients
Cloud registered Cisco Video devices, Cisco IP Phones, Cisco video devices, and third-party devices that use SIP to connect to the Webex Suite services.

This document primarily focuses on the network requirements of Webex cloud registered products that use HTTPS signaling to communicate with Webex Suite services but also separately describes the network requirements for products that use SIP signaling to the Webex cloud. 如下所示彙總了這些差異:

Webex 雲端註冊應用程式和裝置

所有雲端註冊的 Webex 應用程式和裝置都使用 HTTPS 與 Webex 傳訊和會議服務通訊:

  • The Webex app uses HTTPS signaling for Webex messaging and meeting services. The Webex app can also use the SIP protocol to join Webex meetings, but this is subject to the user either being called via their SIP address or choosing to dial a SIP URL to join a meeting (rather than use the meeting functionality native to the Webex app).
  • Cloud registered Cisco Video devices use HTTPS signaling for all Webex services.
  • 如果啟用裝置的 Webex Edge 功能,則內部部署 SIP 註冊的 Webex 裝置也可以使用 HTTPS 訊號。This feature allows Webex devices to be administered via Webex Control Hub and to participate in Webex Meetings using HTTPS signaling (for details, see https://help.webex.com/en-us/cy2l2z/Webex-Edge-for-Devices).
Webex cloud and on-premises call control registered devices using SIP
The Webex Calling service and on-premises call control products such as Cisco Unified CM use SIP as their call control protocol. Cisco Video devices, Cisco IP Phones, and 3rd party products can join Webex Meetings using SIP. For on-premises SIP-based call control products such as Cisco Unified CM, a SIP session is established through a border controller such as Expressway C & E, or CUBE SBC for calls to and from the Webex Cloud.

For details on the specific network requirements for the Webex Calling service see: https://help.webex.com/en-us/b2exve/Port-Reference-Information-for-Cisco-Webex-Calling

All cloud registered Webex apps and Cisco Video devices initiate outbound connections only. Cisco’s Webex Cloud never initiates outbound connections to cloud registered Webex apps and Cisco Video devices, but can make outbound calls to SIP devices.

Webex services for meetings and messaging are hosted in globally distributed data centers that are either Cisco owned (e.g. Webex data centers for identity services, meeting services, and media servers) or hosted in a Cisco Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) on the Amazon AWS platform (e.g. Webex messaging micro-services, messaging storage services). Webex services also reside in Microsoft Azure data centers for Video Interop with Microsoft Teams (VIMT).


Webex app and Cisco Video devices establish signaling and media connections to the Webex cloud.

Signaling traffic
Webex app and Cisco Video devices use HTTP as HTTP over TLS (HTTPS) and Secure Web Sockets (WSS) over TLS for REST based signaling to the Webex cloud. Signaling connections are outbound only and use URLs for session establishment to Webex services.

TLS signaling connections to Webex services use TLS version 1.2 or 1.3. The cipher selection is based on the Webex server TLS preference.

Using either TLS 1.2 or 1.3, Webex prefers ciphers suites using:

  • ECDHE for key negotiation
  • RSA-based certificates (3072-bit key size)
  • SHA2 authentication (SHA384 or SHA256)
  • Strong encryption ciphers using 128 or 256 bits (for example, AES_256_GCM)

Webex supports cipher suites in the following preference order for TLS version 1.2 connections*:


Note - CBC mode encryption is supported for older browsers without more secure GCM mode encryption.
Webex supports cipher suites in the following preference order for TLS version 1.3 connections*:


Note – With TLS 1.3, ECDHE key negotiation and RSA-based certificates are a mandatory part of the specification and this detail is therefore omitted in the cipher suite description.
*The cipher suites and cipher suite preference order may vary for some Webex services
Establishing signaling connections to Webex services using URLs
If you have deployed proxies, or firewalls to filter traffic leaving your enterprise network, the list of destination URLs that need to be allowed to access the Webex service can be found in the section "Domains and URLs that need to be accessed for Webex Services".

Webex strongly recommends that you do not alter or delete HTTP header values as they pass through your proxy/ firewall unless permitted in these guidelines https://www.w3.org/TR/ct-guidelines/#sec-altering-header-values. Modification or deleting of HTTP headers outside of these guidelines can impact access to Webex Services, including loss of access to Webex services by Webex apps and Cisco Video devices.

不支援依 IP 位址篩選 Webex 訊號流量,因為 Webex 使用的 IP 位址是動態的,隨時可能變更。

Media traffic
The Webex app and Cisco Video devices encrypt real-time media for audio, video, and content sharing streams using the following encryption ciphers:

  • AES-256-GCM 密碼
  • AES-CM-128-HMAC-SHA1-80 密碼

AES-256-GCM is the preferred encryption cipher by the Webex app and Cisco Video devices to encrypt real time media.      

AES-CM-128-HMAC-SHA1 is a mature cipher that has proven interoperability between vendors. AES-CM-128-HMAC-SHA1 is typically used to encrypt media to Webex services from endpoints using SRTP with SIP signaling (e.g. Cisco and 3rd party SIP devices).

In preference order, Webex apps and Cisco Video devices support UDP, TCP and TLS as media transport protocols. If UDP ports are blocked by your firewall, Webex apps and Cisco Video devices will fall back to TCP. If TCP ports are blocked Webex apps and Cisco Video devices will fall back to TLS.

UDP – Cisco recommended media transport protocol
In line with RFC 3550 RTP – A Transport Protocol for Real-Time Applications, Cisco prefers and strongly recommends UDP as the transport protocol for all Webex voice and video media streams.
Disadvantages of using TCP as a media transport protocol
Webex apps and Cisco Video devices also support TCP as a fall-back media transport protocol. 但是,Cisco 不建議將 TCP 作為語音和視訊媒體串流的傳輸通訊協定。這是因為 TCP 以連線為導向,旨在將正確排序的資料可靠地交付給上層通訊協定。使用 TCP,傳送端將會重新傳送丟失的封包直到確認封包為止,而接收端將會緩衝封包串流直到丟失的封包復原為止。對於媒體串流,此行為表現為延遲時間/抖動增加,進而影響呼叫的參加者所體驗的媒體品質。

Disadvantages of using TLS as a media transport protocol
Encrypted TCP connections (TLS) can suffer from a further degradation in media quality due to potential Proxy server bottlenecks. If TLS is used as the media transport protocol by Webex apps and Cisco Video devices with a configured proxy server, this media traffic will be routed through your proxy server which can create bandwidth bottlenecks and subsequent packet loss.   Cisco strongly recommends that TLS is not used to transport media in production environments.

Webex 媒體使用對稱、內部起始且輸出至 Webex 雲端的 5 元組(來源 IP 位址、目的地 IP 位址、來源連接埠、目的地連接埠、通訊協定)串流雙向流動。
The Webex app and Cisco Video devices also use STUN (RFC 5389) for firewall traversal and media node reachability testing. 如需相關詳細資料,請參閱 Webex 防火牆技術文件
Webex  – Destination IP address ranges for media
To reach Webex media servers that process media traffic leaving your enterprise network, you must allow the IP subnets that host these media services to be reachable via your Enterprise firewall. 在「Webex 媒體服務的 IP 子網路」一節可找到傳送至 Webex 媒體節點的媒體流量目的地 IP 位址範圍。

通過代理和防火牆的 Webex 流量

大部分客戶部署網際網路防火牆或網際網路代理和防火牆來限制及控制離開及進入其網路的 HTTP 型流量。請遵循下列防火牆和代理指引來支援從您的網路存取 Webex 服務。如果您只使用防火牆,請注意,不支援使用 IP 位址來篩選 Webex 訊號流量,因為 Webex 訊號服務使用的 IP 位址是動態的,隨時可能變更。If your firewall supports URL filtering, configure the firewall to allow the Webex destination URLs listed in the section "Domains and URLs that need to be accessed for Webex Services".

The following table describes ports and protocols that need to be opened on your firewall to allows cloud registered Webex apps and Cisco Video devices to communicate with Webex cloud signaling and media services.

The Webex apps, devices, and services covered in this table include:
The Webex app, Cisco Video devices, Video Mesh Node, Hybrid Data Security node, Directory Connector, Calendar Connector, Management Connector, Serviceability Connector.
For guidance on ports and protocols for devices and Webex services using SIP can be found in the section "Network requirements for SIP based Webex services".

Webex 服務 — 連接埠號碼和通訊協定





443TLSWebex HTTPS 訊號。
Webex 服務的階段作業根據定義的 URL 而非 IP 位址建立。

If you are using a proxy server, or your firewall supports DNS resolution; refer to the section "Domains and URLs that need to be accessed for Webex Services" to allow signaling access to Webex services.
123 (1)UDP網路時間通訊協定 (NTP)所有
53 (1)UDP
網域名稱系統 (DNS)

用於 DNS 查找,以在 Webex 雲端探索服務的 IP 位址。
大部分 DNS 查詢都是透過 UDP 進行的;但 DNS 查詢也可能使用 TCP。

5004 和 9000透過 UDP 傳輸 SRTPEncrypted audio, video, and content sharing on the Webex App and Cisco Video devices

For a list of destination IP subnets refer to the section "IP subnets for Webex media services".
Webex App

Cisco Video Devices

Video Mesh Nodes
50,000 – 53,000透過 UDP 傳輸 SRTP加密的音訊、視訊和內容共用 – 僅限視訊網格節點視訊網格節點
5004透過 TCP 傳輸 SRTP如果無法使用 UDP,則 TCP 也會充當後援傳輸通訊協定,用於共用已加密音訊、視訊和內容。

For a list of destination IP subnets refer to the section "IP subnets for Webex media services".
Webex App

Cisco Video Devices

Video Mesh Nodes
443透過 TLS 傳輸 SRTP如果無法使用 UDP 和 TCP,則用作已加密音訊、視訊和內容共用的備援傳輸通訊協定。

Media over TLS is not recommended in production environments

For a list of destination IP subnets refer to the section "IP subnets for Webex media services".
Webex App

Cisco Video Devices
  1. 如果您在企業網路中使用 NTP 和 DNS 服務,則無需通過您的防火牆開放連接埠 53 和 123。

Webex supports both IPv4 and IPv6 for signaling and media services. For most customers, supporting Webex over IPv4 and IPv6 should not present any issues. Still, issues can arise if your network's Maximum Transmissible Unit (MTU) is set to non-default values.

The Maximum Transmissible Unit (MTU) is the maximum size of the IP packet that can be transmitted over a network link without fragmentation. The IPv6 RFC mandates a minimum MTU size of 1280 bytes. Most routing and switching devices support a default maximum MTU size of 1500 bytes on all interfaces.

IPv6 adds additional overhead to IP packets, which increases packet size compared to IPv4 traffic. The IPv6 RFC mandates a minimum MTU size of 1280 bytes.

Webex recommends keeping the default maximum transmission unit (MTU) size of 1500 bytes for all IP packets received and sent on your network. If you need to reduce the MTU size in your network, Webex recommend reducing this to no less than 1300 bytes.

The majority of Webex media services are hosted in Cisco data centers.

Cisco also supports Webex media services in Microsoft Azure data centers for Video Integration with Microsoft Teams (VIMT). Microsoft has reserved its IP subnets for Cisco's sole use, and media services located in these subnets are secured within Microsoft Azure virtual network instances. For guidance on VIMT deployment, see https://help.webex.com/en-us/article/nffx8kj/Deploy-the-Webex-video-integration-for-Microsoft-Teams.

Configure your firewall to allow access to these destinations, Webex IP subnets, and transport protocol ports for media streams from Webex apps and devices.

Webex apps and Cisco Video devices support UDP, TCP, and TLS as media transport protocols. If UDP ports are blocked by your firewall, Webex apps and Cisco Video devices will fall back to TCP. If TCP ports are blocked, Webex apps and Cisco Video devices will fall back to TLS.

UDP is Cisco’s preferred transport protocol for media, and we strongly recommend using only UDP to transport media. Webex apps and Cisco Video devices also support TCP and TLS as transport protocols for media, but these are not recommended in production environments as the connection-orientated nature of these protocols can seriously affect media quality over lossy networks.
下面列出的 IP 子網路適用於 Webex 媒體服務。不支援依 IP 位址篩選 Webex 訊號流量,因為 Webex 使用的 IP 位址是動態的,隨時可能變更。HTTP signaling traffic to Webex services can be filtered by URL/domain in your Enterprise Proxy server before being forwarded to your firewall.

媒體服務的 IP 子網路************ 

* Azure data centers – used to host Video Integration for Microsoft Teams (aka Microsoft Cloud Video Interop) services

Webex apps and Cisco Video Devices perform tests to detect the reachability of, and round-trip time to, a subset of nodes in each media cluster available to your organization. 媒體節點可存取性透過 UDP、TCP 和 TLS 傳輸通訊協定進行測試,並在啟動時、網路變更時以及應用程式或裝置執行時定期進行。The results of these tests are stored and sent to the Webex cloud prior to joining a meeting or a call. The Webex cloud uses these reachability test results to assign the Webex app/ Webex device the best media server for the call based on transport protocol (UDP preferred), round trip time, and media server resource availability.

Cisco does not support or recommend filtering a subset of IP addresses based on a particular geographic region or cloud service provider. 依區域篩選可能會導致會議體驗嚴重降級,最嚴重的情況包括完全無法加入會議。

如果已將防火牆設定為僅允許流量進入上方的一部分 IP 子網路,當嘗試存取這些被封鎖的 IP 子網路中的媒體節點時,您仍可能會看到可存取性測試流量周遊您的網路。Media nodes on IP subnets that are blocked by your firewall will not be used by Webex apps and Cisco Video devices.


Webex 訊號流量和企業代理設定

大部分組織使用代理伺服器來檢查及控制離開其網路的 HTTP 流量。代理可用來執行多種安全功能,例如允許或封鎖對特定 URL 的存取、使用者驗證、IP 位址/網域/主機名稱/URI 聲譽查找以及流量解密和檢查。代理伺服器也通常用作將 HTTP 型網際網路前往流量轉寄至企業防火牆的唯一路徑,允許防火牆限制僅來自代理伺服器的輸出網際網路流量。代理伺服器必須設定為允許 Webex 訊號流量存取下節中列出的網域/URL。

Webex strongly recommends that you do not alter or delete HTTP header values as they pass through your proxy/ firewall unless permitted in these guidelines https://www.w3.org/TR/ct-guidelines/#sec-altering-header-values. Modification or deleting of HTTP headers outside of these guidelines can impact access to Webex Services, including loss of access to Webex services by Webex apps and Cisco Video devices.

附註:URL 開頭顯示的 *(例如 *.webex.com)表示必須能夠存取頂層網域和所有子網域中的服務。

Cisco Webex 服務 URL



使用這些網域/URL 的 Webex 應用程式和裝置

Webex 微服務。

For example :
Webex Meetings services
Messaging services
File management service
Key management service
Software upgrade service
Profile picture service
Whiteboarding service
Proximity service
Presence service
Registration service
Calendaring service
Search service
Identity services
OAuth services
Device onboarding
Cloud Connected UC

*.webexcontent.com (1)Webex storage for user-generated content and logs, including:

Shared files,
Transcoded files,
Whiteboard content,
Client & device logs,
Profile pictures,
Branding logos, images
Log files
Bulk CSV export files & import files (Control Hub)


其他 Webex 相關服務 — Cisco 擁有的網域



使用這些網域/URL 的 Webex 應用程式和裝置

*.accompany.com人物洞察整合Webex 應用程式

其他 Webex 相關服務 — 第三方網域



使用這些網域/URL 的 Webex 應用程式和裝置

*.giphy.com允許使用者共用 GIF 影像。此功能預設情況下已啟用,但可以在 Control Hub 中停用Webex 應用程式
safebrowsing.googleapis.comUsed to perform safety checks on URLs before unfurling them in the message stream. 此功能預設情況下已啟用,但可以在 Control Hub 中停用Webex 應用程式



Webex 使用者指引用戶端。Provides onboarding and usage tours for new users

For more info, see https://support.walkme.com/knowledge-base/access-requirements-for-walkme/
Webex Web 型應用程式



Google Speech Services。供 Webex Assistant 用來處理語音識別和文字轉語音。Disabled by default, opt-in via Control Hub. 還可以根據每個裝置的情況來停用 Assistant。Webex Room Kit and Cisco Video devices

Details of Cisco Video devices that support Webex Assistant are documented here:

Third-party internet connectivity checks to identify cases where there is a network connection but no connection to the Internet.

The Webex app performs its own internet connectivity checks but can also use these 3rd party URLs as a fallback.
Webex 應用程式
效能追蹤、錯誤和毀損擷取、階段作業指標 (1)Webex 應用程式
Webex Web App
*.amplitude.comA/B 測試和度量值 (1)Webex Web App
Webex Android App

This domain is used by attendees viewing Webex Events and WebcastsWebex Events, Webex Webcasts

Used for Slido PPT add-in and to allow Slido webpages to create polls/quizzes in pre-meeting

Used for exporting questions and answers, poll results, etc, from Slido

附註 - Webex 支援 CRL 和 OCSP 裝訂來判斷憑證的撤銷狀態。 

With OCSP stapling, Webex apps and devices do not need to contact these Certificate Authorities
*.intel.com用於請求憑證撤銷清單並檢查 Intel OCSP 服務的憑證狀態,以尋找隨 Webex 應用程式和裝置使用的背景影像所送出的憑證所有
行動裝置上 Webex 應用程式的通知(例如新訊息)

Google Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) 服務

Apple 推播通知服務 (APNS)
附註 - 對於 APNS,Apple 只會列出此服務的 IP 子網路
Webex 應用程式
cdnjs.cloudflare.com cdn.jsdelivr.net static2.sharepointonline.com appsforoffice.microsoft.comURLs for Webex Scheduler for Microsoft Outlook
Microsoft Outlook users can use the Webex Scheduler to schedule Webex meetings or Webex Personal Room meetings directly from Microsoft Outlook in any browser.
For details see:按一下這裡
Core Webex services being deprecated
URL說明使用這些網域/URL 的 Webex 應用程式和裝置
*.clouddrive.comWebex storage for user generated content and logs

File storage on clouddrive.com was replaced by webexcontent.com in Oct 2019

Organizations with long retention periods for user generated content may still be using cloudrive.com to store older files
記錄檔儲存服務現在使用 *.webexcontent.com 網域
Webex App

*.rackcdn.com*.clouddrive.com 網域的內容傳遞網路 (CDN)所有

(1) Webex 使用協力廠商來收集診斷和疑難排解資料;並收集毀損和使用情況指標。Webex 隱私權資料表中描述了可以傳送至這些第三方網站的資料。有關詳細資訊,請參閱:

Content Delivery Networks used by Webex Services
Webex uses Content Delivery Network (CDN) services to efficiently deliver static files and content to Webex apps and devices. 如果您使用代理伺服器控制 Webex 服務的存取,則無需將 CDN 網域新增至 Webex 服務的允許網域清單(因為在起始 URL 篩選後,CDN CNAME 的 DNS 解析由您的代理執行)。If you are not using a Proxy server (e.g. you are only using a firewall to filter URLs), DNS resolution is performed by the OS of your Webex app / device, and you will need to add the following CDN URLs to the domain to allow list in your firewall :
設定代理以允許在下表中存取 Webex 混合服務的 URL。您可以設定代理以僅允許混合服務節點的來源 IP 位址存取這些 URL,從而限制存取這些外部網域。

Cisco Webex 混合服務 URL




*.docker.com (1)
*.docker.io (1)
*s3.amazonaws.com (1)日誌檔案上傳視訊網格節點
*.cloudconnector.webex.comUser Synchronization  混合服務目錄連接器

(1) We plan to phase out the use of *.docker.com and *.docker.io for Hybrid Services Containers, eventually replacing them with subdomains in *.amazonaws.com.
If you use a Cisco Web Security Appliance (WSA) Proxy and want to automatically update the URLs used by Webex services, please refer to the WSA Webex Services configuration document for guidance on how to deploy a Webex External Feed-in AsyncOS for Cisco Web Security.

For a CSV file containing the list of Webex Services URIs, see:  Webex Services CSV File

代理伺服器必須設定為允許 Webex 訊號流量存取前一個區段中列出的網域/URL。 Support for additional proxy features relevant to Webex services is discussed below:


Proxies can be used as access control devices, blocking access to external resources until the user/device provides valid access permission credentials to the proxy. Several authentication methods are supported by Proxies, such as Basic Authentication, Digest Authentication (Windows-based) NTLM, Kerberos, and Negotiate (Kerberos with NTLM fallback).

For the “No Authentication” case in the table below, the device can be configured with a Proxy address but does not support authentication. When Proxy Authentication is being used, valid credentials must be configured and stored in the OS of Webex App or Cisco Video Device.

For Cisco Video devices and the Webex App, Proxy addresses can be configured manually via the platform OS, or device UI, or automatically discovered using mechanisms such as:

Web Proxy 自動探索 (WPAD) 及/或 Proxy 自動設定 (PAC) 檔案:



Proxy 設定

Mac 版 Webex無驗證、基本、NTLM (1)手動、WPAD、PAC
Windows 版 Webex無驗證、基本、NTLM (2)、協商手動、WPAD、PAC、GPO
iOS 版 Webex無驗證、基本、摘要、NTLM手動、WPAD、PAC
Android 版 Webex無驗證、基本、摘要、NTLM手動、PAC
Webex Web App無驗證、基本、摘要、NTLM、協商透過 OS 受支援
Cisco Video devices無驗證, 基本, 摘要WPAD、PAC 或手冊
Webex 視訊綱目節點無驗證、基本、摘要、NTLM手動
混合資料安全節點無驗證, 基本, 摘要手動
混合服務主機管理連接器無驗證, 基本手動設定 Expressway C:應用程式 > 混合服務 > 連接器代理
混合服務:目錄連接器無驗證、基本、NTLM透過 Windows OS 支援
混合服務 Expressway C:行事曆連接器無驗證、基本、NTLM手動設定 Expressway C:
Applications > Hybrid Services > Connector Proxy : Username Password
Expressway C: 應用程式 > 混合服務 > 行事曆連接器 > Microsoft Exchange > 基本及/或 NTLM
混合服務 Expressway C:呼叫連接器無驗證, 基本手動設定 Expressway C:
應用程式 > 混合服務 > 連接器代理

(1): Mac NTLM Auth - Machine need not be logged onto the domain, user prompted for a password
(2):  Windows NTLM Auth - Supported only if a machine is logged onto the domain

Guidance on Proxy settings for Windows OS
Microsoft Windows supports two network libraries for HTTP traffic (WinINet and WinHTTP) that allow Proxy configuration. WinInet 專為單一使用者的桌面用戶端應用程式設計;WinHTTP 主要設計用於多重使用者的
伺服器型應用程式。WinINet 是 WinHTTP 的超集;在選擇兩者之一時,您應將 WinINet 用於代理組態設定。For more info, see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/wininet/wininet-vs-winhttp


The Webex app and Cisco Video devices validate the certificates of the servers they establish TLS sessions with. Certificate checks such as, the certificate issuer and digital signature, rely upon verifying the chain of certificates up to the root certificate. To perform these validation checks, the app or device uses a set of trusted root CA certificates installed in the operating system trust store.

If you have deployed a TLS-inspecting Proxy to intercept, decrypt, and inspect Webex traffic, ensure that the certificate the Proxy presents (in lieu of the Webex service certificate) has been signed by a certificate authority whose root certificate is installed in the trust store of your Webex App or Webex device. 對於 Webex 應用程式,需要將用於簽署代理所使用憑證的 CA 憑證安裝至裝置的作業系統。For Cisco Video devices, open a service request with TAC to install this CA certificate into the RoomOS software.

The table below shows the Webex app and Webex device support for TLS inspection by Proxy servers:


支援將自訂授信 CA 用於 TLS 檢查

Webex 應用程式
Cisco Video Devices
Cisco Webex 視訊網格
混合服務 — 目錄連接器、行事曆連接器、管理連接器

*附註 - Webex 應用程式不支援代理伺服器解密,也不支援檢查 Webex Meetings 媒體服務的 TLS 階段作業。If you wish to inspect traffic sent to services in the webex.com domain, you must create a TLS inspection exemption for traffic sent to *mcs*.webex.com, *cb*.webex.com and *mcc*.webex.com.
Note - The Webex app does not support SNI extension for TLS based media connections. 如果代理伺服器需要 SNI,則 Webex 視訊和音訊服務連線將會失敗。


支援 802.1X


Webex 應用程式
透過 OS 受支援
Cisco Video DevicesEAP-FAST  
透過 GUI 或 Touch 10 設定 802.1X
透過 HTTP 介面上傳憑證
視訊網格節點使用 MAC 位址略過
混合資料安全服務使用 MAC 位址略過
混合服務 — 目錄連接器、行事曆連接器、管理連接器使用 MAC 位址略過

The Webex cloud supports inbound and outbound calls using SIP as the call control protocol for Webex Meetings and for direct (1:1) calls from/to cloud registered Webex apps and Cisco Video devices.

SIP calls for Webex Meetings
Webex Meetings allows participants with SIP apps and devices to join a meeting by either:

  • 呼叫會議的 SIP URI(例如,meetingnumber@webex.com)或
  • 呼叫參加者的指定 SIP URI(例如,my-device@customer.com)的 Webex 雲端

Calls between SIP apps/devices and cloud registered the Webex app/Cisco Video devices
The Webex cloud allows users of SIP apps and devices to:

  • Be called by cloud registered Webex apps and Cisco Video devices
  • Call cloud registered Webex apps and Cisco Video devices

在上述兩種情況下,SIP 應用程式和裝置都需要建立與 Webex 雲端的階段作業。The SIP app or device will be registered to a SIP based call control application (such as Unified CM), which typically has a SIP Trunk connection to Expressway C and E that allows inbound and outbound calls (over the internet) to the Webex Cloud.

SIP 應用程式和裝置可能是:

  • Cisco Video device using SIP to register to Unified CM
  • 使用 SIP 向 Unified CM 或 Webex Calling 服務註冊的 Cisco IP 電話
  • 使用第三方 SIP 呼叫控制應用程式的第三方 SIP 應用程式或裝置

Note * If a router or SIP firewall is SIP Aware, meaning it has SIP Application Layer Gateway (ALG) or something similar enabled, we recommend that you turn off this functionality to maintain the correct operation of service. 如需如何在特定裝置上停用 SIP ALG 的相關資訊,請參閱相關製造商的文件

下表說明存取 Webex SIP 服務所需的連接埠和通訊協定:

存取 Webex SIP 服務所需的連接埠和通訊協定
Expressway Ephemeral ports      Webex 雲端 5060 - 5070SIP over TCP/TLS/MTLS 從 Expressway E 到 Webex 雲端的 SIP 訊號

Webex Cloud Ephemeral ports    

Expressway 5060 - 5070    SIP over TCP/TLS/MTLS    從 Webex 雲端到 Expressway E 的 SIP 訊號

36000 - 59999    
Webex cloud
49152 -59999    

從 Expressway E 傳輸到 Webex 雲端的未加密/已加密媒體

Webex cloud
49152 - 59999  
36000 - 59999    
RTP/SRTP over UDP    從 Webex 雲端傳輸到 Expressway E 的未加密/已加密媒體


Expressway E 和 Webex 雲端之間的 SIP 連線支援使用 TCP 的未加密訊號,以及使用 TLS 或 MTLS 的已加密訊號。 Encrypted SIP signaling is preferred as the certificates exchanged between the Webex cloud and Expressway E can be validated before proceeding with the connection.

Expressway 通常用於支援對 Webex 雲端的 SIP 通話,以及對其他組織的 B2B SIP 通話。設定防火牆以允許:

  • 所有從 Expressway E 節點輸出的 SIP 訊號流量
  • 所有輸入至 Expressway E 節點的 SIP 訊號流量

如果您希望限制 Webex 雲端的輸入和輸出 SIP 訊號及相關媒體流量。Configure your firewall to allow SIP signaling and medial traffic to access the IP subnets for Webex media services (refer to the section "IP subnets for Webex media services") and the following AWS regions: us-east-1、us-east-2、eu-central-1、us-gov-west-2、us-west-2。The IP address ranges for these AWS regions can be found here: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/aws-ip-ranges.html

* This webpage is not instantaneously updated, as AWS makes regular changes to the IP address ranges in their subnets. To dynamically track AWS IP address range changes, Amazon recommends subscribing to the following notification service: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/aws-ip-ranges.html#subscribe-notifications

SIP 型 Webex 服務的媒體會將相同的目的地 IP 子網路用於 Webex 媒體(在這裡列出)

TCP    5061, 5062    Inbound    SIP Signalling    使用輸入 SIP 訊號存取 Webex Edge Audio
TCP    5061, 5065    Outbound    SIP Signalling    使用輸出 SIP 訊號存取 Webex Edge Audio
TCP/UDP    Ephemeral Ports
8000 - 59999    
Inbound    Media Ports    在企業防火牆上,需要為傳入 Expressway 的流量開啟針孔,且連接埠範圍為 8000 - 59999


Cisco Webex 視訊網格

「Cisco Webex 視訊網格」會在網路中提供本端媒體服務。媒體可以保留在網路上,而不是全部媒體都前往 Webex Cloud,這樣可以降低網際網路頻寬使用率並提高媒體品質。如需詳細資料,請參閱 Cisco Webex 視訊網格部署指南


「混合行事曆」服務將 Microsoft Exchange、Office 365 或 Google Calendar 連線至 Webex,以便能輕鬆排定和加入會議(尤其是在使用行動裝置時)。

For details, see:  Deployment Guide for Webex Hybrid Calendar Service


「Cisco 目錄連接器」是一個用於將身分識別同步至 Webex 雲端的內部部署應用程式。它可提供簡單的管理程序來自動安全地將企業目錄聯絡人延伸至雲端並將它們保持同步以求精確性和一致性。

For details, see:  Deployment Guide for Cisco Directory Connector

Webex 混合服務的偏好架構

「Cisco Webex 混合服務的偏好架構」會描述整體混合架構、其元件及一般設計最佳做法。請參閱…  Preferred Architecture for Webex Hybrid Services

If you are also deploying Webex Calling with Webex Meetings and Messaging services, the network requirements for the Webex Calling service can be found here: https://help.webex.com/b2exve/Port-Reference-Information-for-Cisco-Webex-Calling

If you are also deploying Webex Events with Webex Meetings and Messaging services, the network requirements for the Webex Events service can be found here: https://help.socio.events/en/articles/4796797-what-domains-emails-should-be-allowlisted-by-my-attendees-network-admins

For customers who require the list of IP address ranges and ports for Webex FedRAMP services
This information can be found here : https://www.cisco.com/c/dam/en/us/td/docs/voice_ip_comm/cloudCollaboration/WebexforGovernment/FedRAMP_Meetings_Ports_IP_Ranges_Quick_Reference.pdf



08/19/2024Included images with Branding logos for the (*.webexconnect.com) Domains and URLs section
08/02/2024Webex IPv6 Support section - Changed text to emphasize the MTU size for IPv4 and IPv6 traffic.
07/26/2024Added new subdomain *dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com under Additional URLs for Webex Hybrid Services
07/26/2024Guidance on recommended IP packet Maximum Transmissible Unit (MTU) size for IPv6 traffic to Webex Services
04/08/2024Added a missing period before (*webex.com and *cisco.com) under the Cisco Webex Servers URLs subdomain
12/06/2023Revised introduction with a focus on the Webex Suite of Services
12/06/2023Revision of section: Transport protocols and encryption ciphers for cloud registered Webex apps and devices.

Updated information on the TLS versions and Cipher Suites in use and preferred by Webex Suite Services

Additional details and guidance on media transport protocols

Cisco Video devices now support sending media over TLS through a Proxy server, aligning behavior with that of the Webex app.
Addition of guidance on Proxy configuration (Webex strongly recommends that you do not alter or delete HTTP header values as they pass through your proxy/ firewall unless permitted…)
12/06/2023Revision of IP subnets for Webex media services section

Media services no longer reside in AWS, only in Webex Data Centres and Microsoft Azure Data Centres for VIMT.
Additional text on media transport protocols and preferences
12/06/2023Webex signaling traffic and Enterprise Proxy Configuration section

Addition of guidance on Proxy configuration (Webex strongly recommends that you do not alter or delete HTTP header values as they pass through your proxy/ firewall unless permitted…)
12/06/2023Cisco Webex Services URLs table:

Rows 1 and 2 merged (*.webex.com, *.cisco.com, *.wbx2.com etc)
The text is to be revised to reflect that the Webex suite uses common services for meetings and messaging.

*.livestream.webex.com added for Webex Webcasts

A section on Core Webex services being deprecated: Text simplified
10/09/2023A link to VIMT doc has been included
8/29/2023Removed port 444 TLS for Video Mesh Node (no longer used).
5/24/2023Added Webex Events – Network Requirements
2/23/2023New IP subnets for media added ( and  These IP subnets will be activated 30 days or more after publication here.
1/11/2023Webex Web 應用程式和 SDK - 如果無法使用 UDP 和 TCP,則 TLS 會新增為後援傳輸通訊協定,用於共用已加密音訊、視訊和內容。
1/11/2023新增媒體的新 IP 子網路:,, (Azure Data Centres for VIMT)
10/14/2022新增了 slido URL:*.slido-assets-production.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com
9/15/2022New IP subnet for media added : (Azure Data Centre for VIMT)
9/12/2022新增了 Microsoft Outlook 版 Webex Scheduler 的 URL。
8/12/2022在「連接埠號碼和通訊協定」區段中新增了附註。RoomOS 裝置不會將透過 TLS 傳輸的媒體傳送至設定的代理伺服器。
8/12/2022Webex 媒體的 IP 子網路 – AWS IP 子網路 已從 IP 子網路表格中移除。這些媒體節點現在使用 Cisco 擁有的 IP 位址,其屬於表格中已列出的子網路。
8/12/2022新增了附註,強調在 Webex 服務區段的「網域和 URL」之下列出的 URL 需要存取所有網域和子網域。
6//25/2022新增了 Google 和 Apple 通知服務的需求
6/25/2022網域和 URL 表格中新增了 webex URL *.webexapis.com
6/22/2022為部署 Cisco Unified CM 的 SIP 新增了其他指引
4/5/2022移除媒體服務的 AWS IP 子網路 - 這些子網路已過時
12/14/2021針對視訊網格節點新增的新媒體 UDP 連接埠範圍 (50,000 – 53,000)
已移除用於透過 TCP 傳輸媒體的連接埠 9000 – 將在 2022 年 1 月淘汰使用這個目的地連接埠以透過 TCP 傳輸媒體
已移除用於透過 UDP 和 TCP 傳輸媒體的連接埠 33434 – 將在 2022 年 1 月淘汰使用目的地連接埠以透過 UDP 和 TCP 傳輸媒體
11/11/2021已更新 Webex 服務連接埠號和通訊協定以及 Cisco Webex 服務 URL 表格。
10/27/2021在網域表格中新增了 *.walkme.com 和 s3.walkmeusercontent.com。
10/26/2021新增了關於 Windows OS 代理設定的指引
10/20/2021在防火牆的網域允許清單中新增了 CDN URL
10/19/2021Webex 應用程式使用 AES-256-GCM 或 AES-128-GCM 來加密所有 Webex Meeting 類型的內容。
10/18/2021新增了 IP 子網路(*、* 和*),用於託管適用於 Microsoft Teams 的視訊整合(又稱為 Microsoft Cloud Video Interop)服務,以及新增了為 Webex 服務所使用的「內容傳遞網路」新增的網域(*.cloudfront.net、*.akamaiedge.net、*.akamai.net 和 *.fastly.net)
10/11/2021更新了網域和 URL 區段中的信任入口網站鏈結。
10/04/2021已從網域表格移除 *.walkme.com 和 s3.walkmeusercontent.com,因為不再需要它們。
07/02/2021已將 *.s3.amazonaws.com 變更為 *s3.amazonaws.com
06/30/2021更新了「Webex 混合服務的其他 URL」清單。
06/25/2021已將 *.appdynamics.com 網域新增至清單
06/21/2021已將 *.lencr.org 網域新增至清單
06/17/2021更新了「Webex SIP 服務的連接埠和通訊協定」表格
06/14/2021更新了「Webex SIP 服務的連接埠和通訊協定」表格
05/27/2021更新了「Webex 混合服務的其他 URL」區段的表格。
04/28/2021為 Slido PPT 增益集新增了網域並允許 Slido 網頁在會議前建立民意調查/小測驗
04/27/2021為 Webex Edge Audio 新增了 IP 範圍
04/26/2021新增了*,因為它是 Azure 子網路
04/21/2021更新了 Webex 混合服務的其他 URL 下的 Webex 服務 CSV 檔
04/19/2021新增了*,因為它是適用於 VIMT/CVI 的 Azure DC
04/15/2021新增了 Webex Events 網路廣播的 *.vbrickrev.com 網域。
03/30/2021已新增 Webex 網路型應用程式及 Webex SDK 媒體支援的詳細資訊(沒有透過 TLS 傳輸的媒體)。
03/29/2021已列出 Webex Edge for Devices 功能,並包含說明文件的鏈結。
03/15/2021已新增網域 *.identrust.com
02/19/2021針對 FedRAMP 客戶新增了 Webex 服務章節
01/27/2021為 Cloud Connected UC 服務新增了 *.cisco.com 網域,並為適用於 Microsoft Teams 的視訊整合(又稱為 Microsoft Cloud Video Interop)新增了 Webex Calling 加入 IP 子網路,由 * 指示
01/05/2021新建描述 Webex 應用程式會議和傳訊服務之網路需求的文件
11/13/20從媒體表的 IP 子網路中https://移除了子網路
10/7/2020從 Webex Teams 混合服務的其他 URL 中移除了 *.cloudfront.net 列
9/29/2020為 Webex Teams 媒體服務新增了 IP 子網路 (
9/29/2020Webex 裝置已重新命名為 Webex Room 裝置
9/29/2020*.core-os.net URL removed from table : Webex Teams Hybrid Services 的其他 URL
9/7/2020更新了 AWS 地區鏈結
08/25/20簡化了媒體之 Webex Teams IP 子網路的表格和文字
8/10/20新增了如何測試媒體節點可存取性以及 Webex Edge Connect 使用 Cisco IP 子網路的其他相關詳細資料
7/31/20為 AWS 和 Azure 資料中心中的媒體服務新增了 IP 子網路
7/31/20為與 Webex Teams 雲端的 SIP 呼叫新增了 UDP 目的地媒體連接埠
7/27/20新增了 (CIDR) 或 -網路範圍)
5/5/20在第三方網域表中新增了 sparkpostmail.com
4/22/20新增了 IP 範圍
03/13/20New URL added for the walkme.com service
TLS media transport for Room OS devices added
New section added : Network Requirements for Hybrid Calling SIP Signalling
Link added for the Webex Calling network requirements document
12/11/19較小的文字變更、Webex Teams 應用程式和裝置更新 — 連接埠號碼和通訊協定表格、Webex Teams URL 表格更新和重新設定格式。移除了對管理連接器和呼叫連接器混合服務的 NTLM 代理驗證支援
10/14/19新增了對 Room 裝置的 TLS 檢查支援
9/16/2019為使用 TCP 作為傳輸通訊協定的 DNS 系統新增了 TCP 支援要求。
新增了 URL *.walkme.com — 此服務為新使用者提供入門和使用指南。
修正了 Web Assistant 所使用的服務 URL。
8/28/2019新增了 *.sparkpostmail1.com URL
8/15/2019Overview of Cisco and AWS data centre used for Webex Teams Service.
*.webexcontent.com URL added for file storage
Note on deprecation of clouddrive.com for file storage
*.walkme.com URL added for metrics and testing
7/12/2019新增了 *.activate.cisco.com 和 *.webapps.cisco.com URL
文字轉語音 URL 已更新為 *.speech-googleapis.wbx2.com 和
移除了 *.quay.io URL
混合服務容器 URL 已更新為 *.amazonaws.com
6/27/2019為人物洞察功能新增了 *.accompany.com 允許清單需求
4/25/2019為有關 TLS 版本支援的行新增了「Webex Teams 服務」。
在媒體流量下的媒體串流行中新增了「Webex Teams」。
在媒體部分的 Webex Teams IP 子網路的區域之前新增了「地理」。
編輯了 Webex Teams URL 表格:更新了 A/B 測試和指標的 URL,並為 Google Speech Services 新增了列。
在「Webex Teams 混合服務的其他 URL」部分中,在 AsyncOS 之後移除了「10.1」版本資訊。
3/26/2019已將在這裡鏈結的 URL「請參閱 WSA Webex Teams 設定文件以獲取指引」從 https://www.cisco.com/c/dam/en/us/products/collateral/security/web-security-appliance/guide-c07-739977.pdf 變更為 https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/security/wsa/wsa11-5/user_guide/b_WSA_UserGuide_11_5_1.html

已將 URL「api.giphy.com」變更為 *.giphy.com
2/21/2019由於即將透過 BroadCloud 推出同名的產品 — Webex Calling,已根據 John Costello 的要求將「Webex Calling」更新為「Webex Calling(先前稱為 Spark Calling)」。
2/6/2019已將文字「混合媒體節點」更新為「Webex 視訊網格節點」
1/11/2019現已將「端對端加密檔案已上傳至 Webex Teams 空間和頭像儲存空間」更新為「端對端加密檔案已上傳至 Webex Teams 空間、頭像儲存空間、Webex Teams 品牌標誌」
1/9/2019已更新並移除了下列行:「*若要讓 Webex Room 裝置取得透過 TLS 檢查代理來驗證通訊所需的 CA 憑證,請聯絡 CSM 或使用 Cisco TAC 開啟案例。」
2018 年 12 月 5 日更新了 URL:從 Webex Teams URL 表格中的 4 個項目中移除了「https://」:

https://api.giphy.com                           ->  api.giphy.com 
https://safebrowsing.googleapis.com             ->  safebrowsing.googleapis.com
http://www.msftncsi.com/ncsi.txt                ->  msftncsi.com/ncsi.txt
https://captive.apple.com/hotspot-detect.html   ->  captive.apple.com/hotspot-detect.html
  • 為 Webex Teams 更新了鏈結的 .CSV 檔案,以顯示上面顯示的修訂鏈結
2018 年 11 月 30 日新增 URL:
*.ciscosparkcontent.com、*.storage101.ord1.clouddrive.com、*.storage101.dfw1.clouddrive.com、*.storage101.iad3.clouddrive.com、https://api.giphy.com, https://safebrowsing.googleapis.com, http://www.msftncsi.com/ncsi.txt, https://captive.apple.com/hotspot-detect.html, *.segment.com、*.segment.io、*.amplitude.com、*.eum-appdynamics.com、*.docker.io、*.core-os.net、*.s3.amazonaws.com、*.identity.api.rackspacecloud.com
支援 Windows、iOS 和 Android 的其他代理驗證方法
Webex Board 採用 Room 裝置 OS 和功能;由 Room 裝置共用的代理功能:SX、DX、MX、Room Kit 系列和 Webex Board
支援透過 iOS 和 Android 應用程式進行 TLS 檢查
移除了對 Room 裝置上 TLS 檢查的支援:SX、DX、MX、Room Kit 系列和 Webex Board
Webex Board 採用 Room 裝置 OS 和功能;802.1X 支援
2018 年 11 月 21 日Following Note added to IP Subnets for media section : The above IP range list for cloud media resources is not exhaustive, and there may be other IP ranges used by Webex Teams which are not included in the above list. 但是,Webex Teams 應用程式和裝置在未連線至未公開媒體 IP 位址的情況下將能夠正常運作。
2018 年 10 月 19 日Note added : Webex Teams use of third parties for diagnostic and troubleshooting data collection; and the collection of crash and usage metrics. Webex 隱私權資料表中描述了可以傳送至這些第三方網站的資料。For details see : https://www.cisco.com/c/dam/en_us/about/doing_business/trust-center/docs/cisco-webex-privacy-data-sheet.pdf
混合服務使用的其他 URL 的個別表格 : *.cloudfront.net、*.docker.com、*.quay.io、*.cloudconnector.cisco.com、*.clouddrive.com
2018 年 8 月 7 日Note added to Ports and Protocols table : If you configure a local NTP and DNS server in the Video Mesh Node’s OVA, then ports 53 and 123 are not required to be opened through the firewall.
2018 年 5 月 7 日大量文件修訂
2022 年 4 月 24 日更新為可在區段中變更 Webex 媒體服務的 IP 子網路的段落順序。The paragraph starting with "If you have configured your firewall .. " was moved below the paragraph starting with "Cisco does not support ..." 
