Yeni iş alanına telefon ekleme

When people are at work, they gather in places such as lunch rooms, lobbies, and conference rooms. You can set up shared Webex devices in these Workspaces, add services, and then watch the collaboration happen.

The key principle of a Workspaces device is that it isn’t assigned to a specific user, but rather a physical location, allowing for shared usage.

The devices listed support Webex Calling. Bu cihazların çoğu MAC adresiyle kaydedilebilecek olsa da, bu cihazların yalnızca aşağıdaki alt kümesi etkinleştirme koduyla kaydedilebilir:

  • Cisco IP Phone 6800 Serisi Çok Platformlu Telefonlar (Sesli telefonlar: 6821, 6841, 6851)

  • Cisco IP Phone 7800 Serisi Çok Platformlu Telefonlar (Sesli telefonlar: 7811, 7821, 7841, 7861)

  • Cisco IP Phone 8800 Serisi Çok Platformlu Telefonlar (Sesli telefonlar: 8811, 8841, 8851, 8861)

  • Cisco IP Phone 8800 Serisi Çok Platformlu Telefonlar (Görüntülü telefonlar: 8845, 8865)

  • Cisco IP Konferans Telefonu 7832 ve 8832

  • Cisco Desk Phone 9800 Serisi

Başlamadan önce

  • You can add up to five Cisco Desk phones, Cisco MPP phones, ATAs, or third-party devices to a Workspace with professional Workspace license.

    You can only add multiple devices to a professional workspace from the new workspace page. Turn on Try new Workspaces from the upper right corner of the workspace page to use the new workspace page.
  • You can add only one device to a Workspace with common area Workspace license.

Sign in to Control Hub, then go to Management > Devices > Add device.

You can also add a device to a new Workspace by going to Management > Workspaces > Add workspace.

Choose Shared usage, then click Next.


Choose New workspace, then click Next.


Enter a name for the workspace (such as the name of the physical room), select the room type, add the room capacity, and choose the location of the workspace. İleri'yi tıklatın.


A workspace name can't be longer than 30 characters, and can't have %, #, <, >, /, \, and " characters.


Choose the kind of device you want to set up for the workspace:

  • Cisco Desk Phone—If you choose this option, select the Cisco Desk Phone model from the Select device drop-down menu.
  • Cisco phone, ATA, or 3rd party device—If you choose this option, choose Cisco Managed Devices from the Select device drop-down menu. Then select the Device type from the drop-down menu.

Choose whether you want to register the phone with an activation code (if the option appears) or a MAC address, and then click Next.

  • By Activation Code—Choose this option if you want to generate an activation code that you can share with the device owner. 16 haneli etkinleştirme kodu, cihazın kendisine manuel olarak girilmelidir.


    Çok platformlu telefonlarda etkinleştirme kodunun görüntülenmesi için 11.2.3MSR1 veya sonraki bir bellenim yüklemesi olmalıdır. If phone firmware needs to be updated, direct users to

  • By MAC Address—Choose this option if you know the MAC address of the device. Bir telefonun MAC adresi benzersiz bir girdi olmalıdır. Zaten kayıtlı olan bir telefonun MAC adresini girmeniz veya numarayı hatalı girmeniz durumunda, hata mesajı görünür.

Daha Webex Calling için, Çalışma Alanına yalnızca bir paylaşılan telefon 1 1 1 1 10.

Cisco IP Konferans Telefonu 7832 için bazı ekran tuşları kullanılabilir olmayabilir. Ekran tuşlarının tamamını kullanmanız gerekirse, bu telefonu bir kullanıcıya atamanızı öneririz.


Click the Calling service, and choose the subscription and license type that you want to assign to the workspace.

  • Professional workspace

  • Common area workspace


To find out more about the features that are available with the licenses, see Features available by license type for Webex Calling.


Bir Konum ve (seçtiğiniz konuma göre belirlenecek) Telefon Numarası atayın ve ardından Kaydet'e tıklayın. Dahili numara atama seçeneğiniz de vardır.

If you want to add additional devices to a professional workspace, you can do it in any one of the following ways:
  • Go to Management > Devices > Add device > Shared usage > Existing workspace. From the drop-down, search and select the workspace.

    A notification appears if you've already added the maximum number of devices to the workspace and you can't proceed further.

  • Go to Management > Workspaces. Then, click under the Actions column of respective workspace and click Add Device.

    The Add Device option is disabled if you've already added the maximum number of devices to the workspace.

To modify or manage the devices assigned to the workspace, see Manage a device for a workspace section.

Create a workspace and add services for a Webex Room Device or a Cisco Webex Board


Sign in to Control Hub, then go to Management > Workspaces, and then click Add workspace.


Enter a name for the workspace (such as the name of the physical room), then select the room type and add the capacity. İleri'ye tıklayın.


Click Cisco Room and Desk device, then click Next.

Tek bir alanda yalnızca bir cihaz türünüz olabilir. For example, you can add multiple Webex Room devices or a Webex Board, but not a combination of the two. Bunun istisnası, Çalışma Alanında bir ekran Webex Board ve bir Oda Serisi cihazına sahip olmak için Eşlik Modu'dur.


Choose the services you want to assign to devices in the Workspace, then click Next.


(Optional) In the Scheduling section, select Calendar to allow people to use One Button to Push (OBTP) on this device, then click Next.


Select the calendar service from the drop-down menu. Add Email Address and select Resource Group.

Oda cihazınızın e-posta adresini girin veya yapıştırın. Bu, toplantıları planlamak için kullanılacak e-posta adresidir:

  • Google Takvim'de planlanmış olan cihazlar için G Suites'te (Takvim ve Kaynaklar) Google kaynağı e-> girin. For more information, see What is a Calendar resource?.

  • Microsoft Exchange veya Office 365'te planlanan cihazlar için oda posta kutusunun e-posta adresini girin. For more information, see Create and manage room mailboxes.

This option requires Hybrid Calendar. To configure the service, see the Deployment guide for Hybrid Calendar.

(Optional) Turn on device-hosted meetings so people can host Webex meetings on devices, then select the Webex site to use.


Click Next, then activate the device with the code provided.

Çalışma alanı oluşturun ve yeni hizmetler Webex Share

Cihazınızı kullanmaya başlamadan Webex Share , cihazı fiziksel bir konumla ilişkilendirmeniz gerekir.


Sign in to Control Hub, then go to Management > Workspaces and click Add Workspace.


Enter a name for the workspace (such as the name of the physical room), select the room type, and add capacity. İleri'ye tıklayın.


Choose Cisco Room and Desk device, then click Next.

Tek bir alanda yalnızca bir cihaz türünüz olabilir. Örneğin, lobiye veya tek bir cihaza 10 adede kadar masa telefonu 10Webex Room, ancak iki adede kadar masa telefonu kombinasyonu 18'i 15'i 1'i tıklatın.


Webex’te Çağrı (1:1 çağrı, PSTN dışı) (varsayılan) Dosya çağrı hizmeti belirli bir kullanıcı için geçerli Webex Share, sonraki adıma taşınacak varsayılanı seçin.


(Optional) In the Scheduling section, select Calendar to allow people to use One Button to Push (OBTP) on this device, then click Next.


If you selected Calendar, enter or paste the email address of the calendar mailbox for the room device. Bu, toplantıları planlamak için kullanılan e-posta adresidir.

  • Google Takvim'de planlanmış olan cihazlar için G Suites'te (Takvim ve Kaynaklar) Google kaynağı e-> girin. For more information, see What is a Calendar resource?.

  • Microsoft Exchange veya Office 365'te planlanan cihazlar için oda posta kutusunun e-posta adresini girin. For more information, see Create and manage room mailboxes.


Click Next, then activate the device with the code provided.

If you use certificates, deploy the certificate to your Webex Share before activating it.

Delete a workspace


Sign in to Control Hub, then go to Management > Workspaces.


Check the workspace you want to delete, then select and click Delete.


Confirm the action in the pop-up window.

If you're deleting a workspace assigned an MPP phone, when the workspace is deleted, the phone is also deleted and a factory reset is performed on the phone to clear any existing configuration. This only applies if the phone is online. If the phone is offline or can't be contacted, you should manually factory reset it before reusing it. For more information, see Factory reset a Webex Calling phone. After the factory reset, the phone returns to its Activation Code screen.