For a list of available CSV fields and what they do, read Control Hub user management CSV file reference.

Before you begin

If you have more than one CSV file for your organization, upload and import each file separately. Wait for each task to complete before moving to the next CSV file.

For customers in the Asia-Pacific region (including Japan, China, and Hong Kong), the Caller ID automatically populates from the First Name and Last Name fields. The import ignores the Caller ID First Name and Caller ID Last Name fields.

  • Some spreadsheet editors remove the + sign from cells when they open the CSV file. We recommend using a text editor to make CSV updates. If you use a spreadsheet editor, make sure to set the cell format to text, and add back removed + signs.
  • Export a new CSV to capture the latest fields and avoid errors in the import of changes.

Sign in to Control Hub and go to Users.


Click Download filtered users via CSV Download.


Enter new users' information in new lines in the CSV file.

  • The User ID/Email (Required) column is the only required field.

  • If you have a specific directory and external numbers for each new user, then include the leading + for external numbers without other characters.

  • To assign a service, add TRUE in that service's column. To exclude a service, add FALSE.

    If you’re using automatic license assignment, leave the service columns empty when creating users with the CSV import. Webex automatically assigns the licenses for those services to the new users.

    These are exceptions to the automatic license assignment:
    • Webex Calling

      You can't automatically assign Webex Calling licenses by leaving the relevant service column empty, even if your automatic license assignment includes Webex Calling.

      To create Webex Calling users, you must provide the following fields in the CSV file:

      • User ID/Email.
      • Webex Calling VAR Basic [sub-site name] or Webex Calling VAR Professional[sub-site name] with value TRUE.
      • Phone Number and/or Extension.
      • Location.
    • Webex Customer Experience Essentials

      You can't automatically assign Customer Experience Essentials licenses by leaving the relevant service column empty, even if your automatic license assignment includes Customer Experience Essentials.

      To create Customer Experience Essentials users, you must provide the following fields in the CSV file:

      • User ID/Email.
      • Customer Experience Essentials[sub-site name] with value TRUE.
      • Phone Number and/or Extension.
      • Location.
    • Enterprise content management

      You can't assign enterprise content management permissions to users using automatic license assignment. See Provision content management.

  • To assign a location, enter the location's name in the Location column. If you leave this field blank, the user is assigned to the default location.
  • If you’re adding users as supervisors for Webex Contact Center, then you must add users manually. You can only assign Standard and Premium roles with a CSV.
  • When entering a user's name, the first and last name are both required.

  • The user CSV no longer includes the columns for UC Manager Profile, Calling Behavior, and Calling Behavior UC Manager Profile. Instead, the Call Behavior and UCM Profile can be managed in bulk using the calling template. For more information, see: Set up calling behavior.


Click Import, select your file, and click Open.


Choose Add services only.

This is the best option when adding new users, especially if you’re using automatic license assignment.

Use Add and remove services if you’re deliberately removing services from users.


Click Submit.

The CSV file uploads and creates your task. You can close the browser or this window and your task continues to run. To review the progress of your task, see Manage tasks in Webex Control Hub.