Add a phone to a user

With Control Hub, you can assign a phone to a user for personal usage. The phones listed here support Webex Calling. While all these phones can be added using a MAC address, only the following subset can be registered using an activation code:

  • Cisco IP-telefon i 6800-serien, multiplatformtelefoner (lydtelefoner – 6821, 6841, 6851, 6861, 6871)

  • Cisco IP-telefon i 7800-serien, multiplatformtelefoner (lydtelefoner – 7811, 7821, 7841, 7861)

  • Cisco IP-telefon i 8800-serien, multiplatformtelefoner (lydtelefoner – 8811, 8841, 8851, 8861)

  • Cisco IP-telefon i 8800-serien, multiplatformtelefoner (videotelefoner – 8845, 8865)

  • Cisco IP-konferencetelefon 7832 og 8832

  • Cisco Video Phone 8875

  • Cisco-bordtelefoner i 9800-serien

Regarding DECT devices, only DECT base devices (not DECT handsets) are available for assignment in Control Hub. Når du har tildelt en basisenhed til en bruger, skal du manuelt parre et DECT-håndsæt til den basisenhed. Se flere oplysninger under Tilslut håndsættet til basisstationen.


From the customer view in, go to Management > Devices > Add device.

You can also add a device to the user from the Users section by navigating to Management > Users > select a user > Devices > Add device.

Choose Personal usage to assign a device to a user and then click Next.


Enter either the username or the actual name of the phone's owner, choose the user from the results, and then click Next.


Choose the kind of device you want to set up for the user:

  • Cisco Desk Phone—If you choose this option, select the Cisco Desk Phone model from the Select device drop-down menu.
  • Cisco phone, ATA, or 3rd party device—If you choose this option, choose Cisco Managed Devices from the Select device drop-down menu. Then select the Device type from the drop-down menu.

Choose whether you want to register the phone with an activation code (if the option appears) or a MAC address, and then click Save.

  • By Activation Code—Choose this option if you want to generate an activation code that you can share with the device owner. Den 16-cifrede aktiveringskode skal indtastes manuelt på selve enheden.

    Multiplatformtelefoner skal have firmware i version 11.2.3MSR1 eller nyere for at vise aktiveringskodeskærmen. Hvis telefonens firmware skal opdateres, kan du henvise brugeren til

  • By MAC Address—Choose this option if you know the MAC address of the device. En telefons MAC-adresse skal være en entydig indtastning. Hvis du indtaster en MAC-adresse til en telefon, der allerede er registreret, eller hvis du tastede forkert, da du indtastede nummeret, bliver der vist en fejlmeddelelse.

Der kan være visse begrænsninger, når der anvendes tredjepartsenheder.

Hvis du vælger at generere en aktiveringskode for enheden, men du endnu ikke har brugt denne kode, læses status for den pågældende enhed som Aktivering i den tildelte brugers afsnittet Enheder og hovedlisten over enheder i Control Hub. Keep in mind that it may take up to 10 minutes for device status to be updated in Control Hub.

To modify or manage the devices assigned to the user, see Manage a device for a user section in this article.

Tilføj en telefon til et nyt arbejdsområde

When people are at work, they gather in places such as lunch rooms, lobbies, and conference rooms. You can set up shared Webex devices in these Workspaces, add services, and then watch the collaboration happen.

The key principle of a Workspaces device is that it isn’t assigned to a specific user, but rather a physical location, allowing for shared usage.

The devices listed support Webex Calling. Næsten alle disse enheder kan registreres ved hjælp af en MAC-adresse, men det er kun følgende delmængde, der kan registreres ved hjælp af en aktiveringskode:

  • Cisco IP-telefon i 6800-serien, multiplatformtelefoner (lydtelefoner – 6821, 6841, 6851)

  • Cisco IP-telefon i 7800-serien, multiplatformtelefoner (lydtelefoner – 7811, 7821, 7841, 7861)

  • Cisco IP-telefon i 8800-serien, multiplatformtelefoner (lydtelefoner – 8811, 8841, 8851, 8861)

  • Cisco IP-telefon i 8800-serien, multiplatformtelefoner (videotelefoner – 8845, 8865)

  • Cisco IP-konferencetelefon 7832 og 8832

  • Cisco-bordtelefoner i 9800-serien

Før du begynder

  • You can add up to five Cisco Desk phones, Cisco MPP phones, ATAs, or third-party devices to a Workspace with professional Workspace license.
    You can only add multiple devices to a professional workspace from the new workspace page. Turn on Try new Workspaces from the upper right corner of the workspace page to use the new workspace page.
  • You can add only one device to a Workspace with common area Workspace license.

Sign in to Control Hub, then go to Management > Devices > Add device.

You can also add a device to a new Workspace by going to Management > Workspaces > Add workspace.

Choose Shared usage, then click Next.


Choose New workspace, then click Next.


Enter a name for the workspace (such as the name of the physical room), select the room type, add the room capacity, and choose the location of the workspace. Klik på Næste.

A workspace name can't be longer than 30 characters, and can't have %, #, <, >, /, \, and " characters.


Choose the kind of device you want to set up for the workspace:

  • Cisco Desk Phone—If you choose this option, select the Cisco Desk Phone model from the Select device drop-down menu.
  • Cisco phone, ATA, or 3rd party device—If you choose this option, choose Cisco Managed Devices from the Select device drop-down menu. Then select the Device type from the drop-down menu.

Choose whether you want to register the phone with an activation code (if the option appears) or a MAC address, and then click Next.

  • By Activation Code—Choose this option if you want to generate an activation code that you can share with the device owner. Den 16-cifrede aktiveringskode skal indtastes manuelt på selve enheden.

    Multiplatformtelefoner skal have firmware i version 11.2.3MSR1 eller nyere for at vise aktiveringskodeskærmen. If phone firmware needs to be updated, direct users to

  • By MAC Address—Choose this option if you know the MAC address of the device. En telefons MAC-adresse skal være en entydig indtastning. Hvis du indtaster en MAC-adresse til en telefon, der allerede er registreret, eller hvis du tastede forkert, da du indtastede nummeret, bliver der vist en fejlmeddelelse.
For Webex-opkald kan du kun tilføje én delt telefon til et workspace.

Nogle funktionstaster kan muligvis ikke benyttes på Cisco IP-konferencetelefon 7832. Hvis du har brug for et fuldt sæt funktionstaster, anbefaler vi, at du i stedet tildeler denne telefon til en bruger.


Click the Calling service, and choose the subscription and license type that you want to assign to the workspace.

  • Professional workspace

  • Common area workspace

To find out more about the features that are available with the licenses, see Features available by license type for Webex Calling.


Tildel en placering og et telefonnummer (bestemt af den placering, du vælger), og klik derefter på Gem. Du kan også tildele et lokalnummer.

If you want to add additional devices to a professional workspace, you can do it in any one of the following ways:
  • Go to Management > Devices > Add device > Shared usage > Existing workspace. From the drop-down, search and select the workspace.

    A notification appears if you've already added the maximum number of devices to the workspace and you can't proceed further.

  • Go to Management > Workspaces. Then, click under the Actions column of respective workspace and click Add Device.

    The Add Device option is disabled if you've already added the maximum number of devices to the workspace.

To modify or manage the devices assigned to the workspace, see Manage a device for a workspace section.

Gentildele en eksisterende MPP-telefon til en anden bruger eller enhed

For at genbruge en telefon, der er tildelt Webex-opkald bruger/arbejdsområde til en Webex-opkald bruger/arbejdsområde, skal du følge disse trin:


Fra kunde visningen i skal du https://admin.webex.comgå til den bruger/det arbejdsområde, hvor enheden er tildelt i øjeblikket.

Du kan gentildele enheden i disse scenarier:

  1. If you wish to delete the user, select Delete User/Workspace to delete the user/workspace and the associated devices.

  2. Hvis du vil slette en enhed, skal du vælge Enheder og vælge den enhed, der skal slettes.


Gå til menuen indstillinger på telefonen, og fuldfør disse trin for at gentildele telefonen.

  1. Vælg Enhedsadministration og derefter Fabriksnulstilling .

  2. Telefonen genstarter. Når genstart er fuldført, viser telefonen Aktiveringskode skærmen.

  3. Telefonen er nu klar til gen tildeling.


Følg vejledningerne i Tilføj og tildel telefon til bruger eller Føj en telefon til et nyt arbejdsområde for at tildele eller tilføje en telefon til en bruger/et arbejdsområde.


Når du tilføjer enheden i Control Hub, skal du gennemføre disse handlinger på telefonen:

  1. For aktiveringskode:

    Indtast aktiveringskoden. Telefonen genstarter og boardes til den nye bruger/workspace.

  2. For MAC-adresse:

    Enter #000 on the Activation Code screen, the phone is reonboarded with Webex Calling and provisions to the new user/workspace.

Add a board, desk, or room device to a new workspace

Når folk er på arbejde, mødes de mange steder såsom frokostlokaler, lobbyer og konferencelokaler. Du kan opsætte delte Cisco Webex-enheder på disse arbejdsområder, tilføje tjenester og derefter opleve samarbejdet.

The key principle of a Workspaces device is that it’s not assigned to a specific user, but rather a physical location, allowing for shared usage.

Enhederne angivet her understøtter Webex-opkald.


From the customer view in, go to Management > Devices > Add device.

You can also add a device to a new workspace from the Workspaces section by navigation to Management > Workspaces > Add workspace.

Choose Shared usage and click Next.


Choose New workspace and click Next.


Enter a name for the workspace (such as the name of the physical room), select the room type, add the room capacity, and choose the location for the workspace. Klik derefter på Næste.


Choose Cisco Room and Desk device.


Choose one of the following services and click Next.

  • Call on Webex (1:1 call, non-PSTN) —Users can only make Webex App or Webex Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) calls using a SIP address (for example,
  • Cisco Webex Calling —In addition to being able to make and receive Webex App and SIP calls, people in this Workspace can use the device to make and receive phone calls from within the Webex Calling numbering plan. For example, you can call your coworker by dialing the phone number 555-555-5555, extension 5555, or SIP address but you can also call your local pizzeria.

If you've chosen Cisco Webex Calling service, then choose the subscription and the license type that you want to assign to the workspace.

  • Professional workspace

  • Common area workspace

To find out more about the features that are available with the licenses, see Features available by license type for Webex Calling.


Tildel en placering, et telefonnummer (bestemt af den placering, du vælger) og et lokalnummer, og klik derefter på Gem.


Aktivér enheden ved at bruge den medfølgende kode. Du kan kopiere eller udskrive aktiveringskoden eller sende den på e-mail.

Lav massetilføjelse og -tildeling af enheder

To assign several devices to users and workspaces, you can populate a CSV file with the required information and activate those devices in just a couple of easy steps.

  • You can add up to 5 Cisco Desk Phones, Cisco MPP phones, ATAs, or 3rd party devices to a workspace with Professional workspace license.
  • You can add only one device to a workspace with common area workspace license.

Enhederne angivet her understøtter Webex-opkald. You can register all devices using a MAC address; however, register the following subset of devices using an activation code:

  • Cisco IP-telefon i 6800-serien, multiplatformtelefoner (lydtelefoner – 6821, 6841, 6851)

  • Cisco IP-telefon i 7800-serien, multiplatformtelefoner (lydtelefoner – 7811, 7821, 7841, 7861)

  • Cisco IP-telefon i 8800-serien, multiplatformtelefoner (lydtelefoner – 8811, 8841, 8851, 8861)

  • Cisco IP-telefon i 8800-serien, multiplatformtelefoner (videotelefoner – 8845, 8865)

  • Cisco IP-konferencetelefon 7832 og 8832

  • Cisco Video Phone 8875

  • Cisco-bordtelefoner i 9800-serien


From the customer view in, go to Management > Devices > Add device > Multiple Cisco IP phones.


Choose one of the following options and click Download.

  • Users in my organization—You can get a list of all users in your organization and their associated attributes so you don't have to manually look up each user.
  • Workspaces in my organization—You can get a list of all workspaces in your organization and their associated attributes so you don't have to manually look up each workspace.
    If a workspace has multiple devices, only the first device appears in the downloaded CSV. However, you can assign multiple devices to a professional workspace through CSV by adding the details in separate rows.

    If you want to see which devices belong to a workspace, you can export the device CSV by navigating to Management > Devices. Then, select one or more devices and click Export to CSV.

  • Add device sample template—You can use the available template to enter information such as usernames, type (indicate whether it's a user or a workspace), MAC addresses, and device models.
You can use the following table to prepare your CSV file.
The following fields are mandatory when assigning a device to Webex Calling users and workspaces:
  • For brugere: Username, Type, Device Type, and Model if the device type is IP.
  • For Workspace: Username, Type, Phone number or Extension, Webex Calling Workspace [subscription name], Device Type, and Model if the device type is IP.

KolonnenavnBeskrivelseSupported Value


To assign a device to a user, enter the user's email address.

Don't enter the user ID or their name.

To assign a device to a workspace, enter the workspace name.

Hvis du går ind i et arbejdsområde, der endnu ikke findes, oprettes arbejdsområdet automatisk.

Example user email:

Example workspace name: Break Room


Enter the appropriate type as user or workspace.




Indtast et telefonnummer.

Example: +12815550100


Enter an extension.

Eksempel: 00-999999


Enter the type of the device.

To use any Multiplatform Phones, ATA or DECT devices with Webex Calling, enter IP.

To create new workspaces to have RoomOS devices, enter WEBEX or WEBEX_CALLING, depending on the desired Calling option


Enter the device model if the device type is IP.

Example device model: Cisco 7841, Cisco 8851, and so on


Enter the MAC address of the device.

If you leave the MAC address field blank, an activation code is generated.

Use activation codes for the RoomOS devices.

Example MAC address: 001A2B3C4D5E


Enter the name of the user or workspace location.

Eksempel: San Jose

Calling Plan

Enter TRUEs to enable Cisco Calling Plan for the newly added workspace.

This feature doesn’t work for users, existing workspaces, and workspaces with unsupported location.



Webex Calling Workspace [subscription ID]

Specify the subscription to be utilized for creating common-area or professional calling workspaces.

Each subscription possessing workspace license has a corresponding column. You can assign either a common area workspace license or a professional workspace license. To assign a license, enter TRUE in any one of the license type columns of the respective subscription.

You must assign only one subscription for a workspace.

You can also transfer workspaces from one subscription to another. To transfer, enter FALSE in the source subscription column and TRUE in the target subscription column.

We recommend using a recently generated template to prepare the CSV import file, as it will contain accurate information regarding the active subscriptions for workspace licenses.



Webex Calling Professional Workspace [subscription ID]

These Phone Number and Extension fields were previously titled Directory Number and Direct Line; these column names continue to support for a short time.
Vi anbefaler, at du begrænser antallet af enheder til 1000 pr. CSV-fil. If you want to add more than 1000 devices, use a second CSV file.

Udfyld regnearket.


Overfør CSV-filen ved at trække og slippe den eller klikke på Vælg en fil.


If the MAC address is blank, you get the options to choose where the activation code gets sent.

  • Provide a link—The activation code gets added to a CSV file. After import, you’ll get a link to download the activation code file on the Import Status screen.
  • Email activation code—If the device is for a workspace, the activation code gets sent to you, as the administrator. Hvis enheden er til en bruger, sendes aktiveringskoden på e-mail til brugeren.

You or the user need to enter the activation code on the device for activating it.


Klik på Indsend.

Displays the updated status when the devices become active.

Multiplatform-enheder skal køre med en firmwarebelastning på 11.2.3MSR1 eller nyere, for at brugere kan indtaste aktiveringskoden på deres enhed. For information about upgrading phone firmware, see this article.

Export a device list

If you want to view the list of devices assigned to users and workspaces, you can export the CSV file.

Fra kundevisningen i skal du gå til Enheder.

Select multiple devices from the device list and select the Export option. You can choose the fields to include in the CSV file, and export the content to a local folder.

The fields displayed on the CSV file depend on the connection of the device to the platform. Therefore, some fields aren’t available in the output file.

Administrer en enhed for en bruger

Du kan tilføje, fjerne, genstarte, kontrollere aktivering eller oprette en ny aktiveringskode for de enheder, der er tildelt til brugere inden for din organisation. Dette kan være nyttigt at se og administrere enheder på brugernes skærm, når det er nødvendigt.


From the customer view in, go to Management > Users.


Select a user and click Devices.


Hvis du vil tilføje en enhed til denne bruger, skal du klikke på Tilføj enhed.

If the user is already assigned a device and you want to add another device, click Action > Add device.

For more information on adding the device to a user, see Add phones to a user section.


Hvis du vil modificere en eksisterende enhed, skal du vælge enhedsnavnet.

This takes you to the Devices page. Her kan du se og redigere enhedsindstillinger, slette enheden, genstarte enheden eller oprette en ny aktiveringskode til enheden, hvis det er nødvendigt. Se Konfigurer og opdater telefonindstillinger for at få yderligere oplysninger om konfiguration af telefonindstillinger.


Hvis den enhed, der er tilføjet til brugeren, er Webex Opmærksom, vises valgmuligheden Webex Opmærksom under enhederne, som vist i diagrammet. Webex Aware angiver, at enheden har onboardet til Webex-platformen og har adgang til Webex-funktioner, der understøttes af telefonen.


Klik på Handlinger for at administrere enheden. Handlinger hjælper med at anvende konfigurationsændringer eller opdatere firmware til MPP-enheder.

Fanen Handlinger har disse valgmuligheder for en Webex-opmærksom-aktiveret enhed:
  • Apply Changes—Issues request to the phone to download and apply changes to the configuration.
  • Reboot—Issues request to force reboot the device and download the current configuration.
  • Report Problem—Issues request to the device to generate and upload a PRT to the cloud.
  • Delete—Deletes a device that is listed for the user.

Administrer en enhed for et arbejdsområde

Enheder kan tilføjes og administreres direkte fra en arbejdsområdeprofil. Arbejdsområdeenheder kan inkludere ATA-enheder såsom faxmaskiner. Du kan også opsætte en arbejdsområdeenhed som vært for aktivitetsbaseret kontor. For more information about hoteling, see: Hoteling in Cisco Webex Control Hub.


From the customer view in, go to Management > Workspaces.


Select the workspace to modify.


To add a device, click Add Device in the Devices tile.

For more information on adding devices to workspace, see Add a phone to a new workspace section.


Hvis du vil modificere en eksisterende enhed, skal du vælge enhedsnavnet.

This takes you to the Devices page. Her kan du se og redigere enhedsindstillinger, slette enheden, genstarte enheden og aktivere enheden, så den kan bruges som vært for aktivitetsbaseret kontor. Se Konfigurer og opdater telefonindstillinger for at få yderligere oplysninger om konfiguration af telefonindstillinger.


Hvis den enhed, der er tilføjet til arbejdsområdet, er Webex Opmærksom, vises valgmuligheden Webex Opmærksom under enhederne, som vist i diagrammet. Webex Opmærksom angiver, at enheden har onboardet til Webex-platformen og har adgang til Webex-funktioner, der understøttes af telefonen.


Klik på Handlinger for at administrere enheden. Handlinger hjælper med at anvende konfigurationsændringer eller opdatere firmware til MPP-enheder.

Fanen Handlinger har disse valgmuligheder for en Webex-opmærksom-aktiveret enhed:
  • Apply Changes—Issues request to the phone to download and apply changes to the configuration.
  • Reboot—Issues request to force reboot the device and download the current configuration.
  • Report Problem—Issues request to the device to generate and upload a PRT to the cloud.
  • Delete—Deletes a device that is listed for the user.

Konfigurer linjer - Tilføj og omarranger linjer for en MPP-enhed

Shared line appearance allows you to add lines to a primary device of the user and reorder how the lines appear. This feature allows a user to receive and place calls to and from another user's extension, using their own phone. An example of shared line appearance is an executive assistant who wants to make and receive calls from the boss's line. Visning af en delt linje kan også være en anden forekomst af den primære brugers linje.

The maximum configuration limit is 35 devices for each user phone number, including the desktop or mobile App of the user. You can add additional lines to the workspace phone. However, you can add only the workspace phone with professional license as a shared line.

When assigning a shared line, you can assign numbers from different Webex Calling locations to devices in a different location. For example, a number (user, workspace, virtual line) from the UK location can be assigned to a device that is assigned to a user in the U.S. location.

For more information on shared line across locations, see: Configuration of shared lines and virtual lines across locations.

When a user adds the Speed dials to their MPP phone, they aren’t visible in the Control Hub. Speed dials can be overwritten on configuring a shared line.

If a user has numbers from other users/groups configured on their devices, you can add a custom label for the shared line. This custom label helps to identify one shared line appearance from the other.


Fra kundevisningen i skal du gå til Brugere eller Arbejdsområder (afhængigt af hvor enheden, der skal modificeres, er tildelt).


Vælg brugeren eller arbejdsområdet, du vil modificere, og rul ned til Enheder.


Select the device to add or modify the shared lines, and scroll to Phone Users and Settings.

De brugere og arbejdsområder, der vises på denne telefon, er angivet nedenfor i den rækkefølge, de vises i.


Hvis du vil tilføje eller fjerne brugere eller placeringer fra denne telefon, skal du vælge Konfigurer linjer.


Klik på -ikonet for at fjerne en linje.

Du kan ikke fjerne den primære bruger på linje 1.

Klik på -ikonet for at tilføje visning af en delt linje.

Tilføj linjerne i den rækkefølge, de skal vises i. Hvis du vil ændre den rækkefølge, linjerne vises i, skal du slette dem og føje dem til listen i den rækkefølge, du ønsker, at de skal vises i.

Indtast navn eller telefonnummer, vælg mellem de viste valgmuligheder, og klik på Gem.

Konfigurer en ATA-enhed til en bruger

Du kan konfigurere portene på en analog telefonadapter (ATA, Analog Telephone Adaptor), der er tildelt en bruger i Control Hub. Currently, the two configurations for ATA devices available are for devices with two ports and devices with 24 ports.


Fra kundevisningen i skal du gå til Brugere.


Vælg brugeren, der skal modificeres, og rul ned til Enheder.


Vælg den enhed, du vil tilføje eller modificere.


Under Brugere på denne enhed skal du klikke på Konfigurer porte.


Hvis du vil tilføje en delt portkonfiguration, skal du klikke på -ikonet.


Indtast navn eller telefonnummer, vælg mellem de valgmuligheder, der vises, og klik derefter på Gem.

Kun arbejdsområder uden enheder vises i opslaget.

If the device requires T.38 fax compression, check the box in the T.38 column or override the user-level compression options, and then click Save.

Et arbejdsområde kan have en ATA. Dette er nyttigt for faxmaskiner.

Tilføj numre til din placering

Du kan tilføje telefonnumre til fastnet- og lokaleenheder i din kundeorganisation når som helst, uanset om du er midt i en prøveperiode eller er skiftet til et betalt abonnement.

We've increased the number of telephone numbers that you can add in Control Hub 250 to 1000.


Fra kundevisningen i skal du gå til Tjenester > Opkald > Numre og derefter klikke på Tilføj numre.


Angiv placeringen og nummertypen. Hvis du overfører numre, skal du både indtaste dine aktuelle og de nye faktureringsnumre.


Specify the Location, State, Area Code, Prefix (optional), and then click Search.

Available numbers are displayed.


Select the numbers that you want to add to the location.

The numbers you choose move over to the Selected Numbers field.


Klik på Gem.

Kontrollér status for bestilte PSTN-numre

Du kan se en liste over de PSTN-numre, som din organisation har bestilt. With this information you can see the unused numbers that are available, and the numbers that have been ordered that will soon become available.

Fra kundevisningen i skal du gå til Tjenester > Opkald > PSTN-ordrer.

Multiplatformtelefon (MPP) tilsluttet tilbehør—Headsets og Key Expansion Modules (KEMs)

When you connect accessories (Headsets/KEMs) to an MPP device, they appear as an inventory item under the Devices tab in the Control Hub. I enhedsoversigten i Control Hub kan du se tilbehørets model, status og hvem tilbehøret tilhører. Når du vælger et tilbehør, kan du få yderligere oplysninger, såsom tilbehørets serienummer og aktuel softwareversion. Tilbehørets statusfelt rapporteres som "online", så længe tilbehøret er tilsluttet MPP. Et MPP-tilsluttet headset opgraderer automatisk dets software med den nyeste tilgængelige version i enhedsadministration.

Want to see how it's done? Watch this video demonstration on how to view your accessories in Control Hub.
Tabel 1. Kompatible headset


Cisco Headset 520-serien

Cisco Headset 530-serien

Cisco Headset 560-serien

Cisco Headset 730-serien

Cisco IP-telefon 8811/8841/8845

RJ9 og RJ11

Cisco IP-telefon 8851/8861/8865




RJ9 og RJ11

Cisco IP-telefon 7811/7821/7841/7861

Cisco IP-telefon 6821/6841/6851/6861

Cisco IP-telefon 6871




Cisco IP Conference Phone 7832/8832

Tabel 2. Kompatible nøgleudvidelsesmoduler



Cisco IP-telefon 8811/8841/8845

Cisco IP-telefon 8851/8861/8865




Cisco IP-telefon 7811/7821/7841/7861

Cisco IP-telefon 6821/6841/6861/6871

Cisco IP-telefon 6851


Cisco IP Conference Phone 7832/8832

For at fejlfinde problemer med Key Expansion Module (nøgleudvidelsesmodul) på telefoner, der er tilmeldt Webex-opkald, se Fejlfinding af problemer med key expansion modules i Webex-opkald for yderligere oplysninger.